Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Cases Rise in German Soliders in Afghanistan

"The Germany armed forces' deployment in Afghanistan appears to be having an impact on soldiers' psyche. Several newspaper reports claim the number of cases of post-traumatic stress disorder is on the rise. And the Bundeswehr lacks psychiatrists to provide the necessary treatment."
According to the newspapers more and more soildiers are getting the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. Last year, a total of 245 cases of the psychiatric disorder were reported in the military, with 226 of them occurring in Afghanistan. In 2006, only 55 soldiers were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. During the past six months, attacks on German forces in Aghanistan have risen whic will increase the cases of PTSD in the future. According to Mario Horst Lanczik, who is a german military psychiatrist, a psychiatric care for the German soldiers is not provided or if it is, it's not adequate either before, during or after combat. As well as there arent enough psychiatrist to take care of the German soldiers. There is only one psychiatrist available to the 4,500 German troops in Afghanistan.
For more information:,1518,651015,00.html

1 comment:

  1. I feel so bad for soldiers who come back and have to fight with this disorder. I am amazed by the 226 cases that have been reported from the afghanistan war. I am honored ro have people fight for my freedom.
